Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life taught me
how to cry but it never taught me how to live. What is your


  1. First of all, i would like to thank you for everything you've done to
    prepare this web log in a very appropriate and popular
    approach.I,without a shadow of doubt,can see the fortune which lays
    ahead in your way.Since we all accept this life and every single
    matter surrounding it as a period will not remain constant,it seems
    more like a shelter embodies a beautiful nature(i.e. animate or
    unanimate)that teach us how we should prepare ourselves for an
    everlasting life.Therefore ,contrary to you impression on the life
    which makes you cry,i think we all should change our view and mostly
    clean our glasses by which we make our minds about the very
    astonishing universe we have.
    To be brief and concise,we can easily harness the power of nature
    which appears a little harmful or fatal at first,and the point i am
    trying to make is that all human beings,as special creatures as they
    are,should consider this experience(i.e.changing the point of
    view)crucial to their everyday lives and success .
    And finally,after all those efforts that you have made and all those
    hardships you have overcome you are about to taste a lifestyle far
    more splendorous than you may ever picture.Although it is not very
    conventional approach but,you may get used to it on the condition that
    you do your homework carefully .I am a hundred percent sure that this
    method of treating the world will create a very superb feelings of
    being a human in a very right way.

    фарбод рэзавич

  2. "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts." — Albert Einstein

    Thank you for leaving a graet message .I do really really accept your remarks and also point of viw.
    I honor your immagination same as your impression which is so valuable and effective.
    Your words were so helpful when I got the gloomy picture of life, at the same time your eyes are toward the sunrising when the sun,s rays reflecting off the lake .
    Changing our point of viw !! lovely.
    By that me as the one should look for other words but with more joys.
